The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
16 day, self-supported rafting trip down the Canning River to collect images of the beauty and wildlife of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in order to dispel the belief that the Refuge is a barren wasteland appropriate for oil drilling. Jeff Jones – Author, Arctic Sanctuary
Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Boat-based data collection on the numbers and types of dolphins, turtles, and whales sighted, and document illegal industrial fishing encountered, to support the expansion of the Marine Protected Area off of the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. CREMA
Andavadoaka, Madagascar
Scuba-based data collection on the health of the coral reefs and fisheries off of the southwest coast of Madagascar, supporting the local tribe in managing their marine resources. Blue Ventures
Baja California
Joined a journey to Baja California to learn freediving as a marine conservation technique and support the Cabo Pulmo marine reserve and the I Am Water Foundation in its marine conservation efforts around the world. I Am Water Foundation
The Amazon
Traveled to the Karanqui people of the Andes and the Achuar and Sapara peoples of the Amazon, to support their efforts to protect their environment and their earth-based cultures. Pachamama Alliance
The Kogi
Accepted the invitation of the Kogi to learn about their ancient wisdom of how to protect the Great Mother, the living being that is Earth. The journey included time with Kogi mamos in Kogi villages in the Santa Marta Mountains of Colombia, participating in sacred ceremonies of reciprocity with the Earth. John Perkins